
  1. Clinical Depression vs PMDD

    by Rank Science

    The main difference between clinical depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is the types of symptoms and how long they last.  PMDD i...
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  2. Do Birth Control and PMS Play Nice?

    by Rank Science

    With PMS (premenstrual syndrome) being linked to fluctuations in hormones, and the pill itself containing hormones, it’s good to know how these two...
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  3. Am I PMSing or Just Having a Regular Old Mood Swing?

    by Rank Science

    PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is different for everyone, which can make it hard to know what your individual symptoms even are. This becomes especial...
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  4. Irritability is So… Irritating

    by Rank Science

    Irritability is a chain effect. For one reason or another, we sometimes find ourselves reacting negatively to things that normally wouldn’t bother ...
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  5. Have You Heard of Seed Cycling?

    by Rank Science

    Your hormones are doing an intricate relay race every month. Specifically at play are estrogen, progesterone, and follicle stimulating hormones. Th...
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  6. Restless and/or Irritable AF?

    by Rank Science

    For those of us who drink, the alcoholic beverage is basically a go-to when we’re stressed. But, and don’t be mad, limiting alcohol when you’re fee...
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