
  1. How Does Plan B Work?

    by Aavia Team

    There are a lot of misconceptions about what taking the morning-after pill does to prevent pregnancy and how it may affect your cycle. Let's dive...
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  2. A Gen Z Guide to Roe v. Wade, Abortion Laws and Why You Should Care

    by Aavia Team

    We’ve all been there. We want to educate ourselves on a pressing topic, but have NO idea where to start.😕 At Aavia, we’re passionate about all thin...
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  3. Can You Get Pregnant on Birth Control?

    by Aavia Team

    What are the chances of getting pregnant on the pill?  We hate to break it to you, but even on birth control, you can still get pregnant. 🤭 Now bef...
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  4. Is it safe to skip the placebo pill?

    by Aavia Team

    What even is the point of a placebo pill? Aren’t they just made of sugar?

    You’ve probably wondered this at some point in time, so we’re here to answer it!

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  5. How Effective is Birth Control?

    by Aavia Team

    Birth control is meant to prevent pregnancy (obvi) but there are factors that can lead to it, well, not. Here's everything you need to know about how to make sure your pill is as effective as possible.
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  6. Hormonal Birth Control: Choosing the Best Method for You

    by Rank Science

    There is no one size fits all birth control, so you have to find what works best for you. We can help! 🙌
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