How Does Plan B Work?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what taking the morning-after pill does to prevent pregnancy and how it may affect your cycle. Let's dive in!

Plan B reduces risk of pregnancy by preventing ovulation. That means if you take the pill before an egg is released from your ovaries, you likely can't get pregnant! However, if your egg has already been released from your ovaries, the pill is ineffective, and you can still get pregnant if you have unprotected sex in this window of time. Understanding ovulation vs fertility window can be confusing and complicated! Here’s a TikTok where I dive deeper.

💦💦💦 YOUR FAQs 💦💦💦

What if I take Plan B after I ovulate?
If you take Plan B any day after you ovulate, the pill doesn’t stop ovulation. However, no need to worry because the chances of you getting pregnant at this part of your cycle are extremely low.

How does Plan B affect my next cycle?
For most people, Plan B has no side effects. However, for some, it may cause a delayed period. I would always advise taking a pregnancy test the month after you take Plan B just to be safe!

How do I know when I am ovulating?
Without taking your temperature and tracking your discharge daily, it is difficult to know exactly when you are ovulating. It’s best to be extra careful for about a week in your “ovulation window,” which is days 11-14 of your cycle if you have a 28-day cycle. This window is different for everybody, and therefore it’s recommended always to have protected sex. However, it is still beneficial to track your cycle and get better peace of mind for an estimate of when you ovulate!