Meet Erika: Hormonal Hottie with PCOS

👋 Tell us about yourself! What is your name, age, location, & occupation?

Hi! My name is Erika, I’m 26 and I live in Southern California. I currently work full-time as a social media manager and I love it! I enjoy spending my free time outdoors or doing anything creative. I’m passionate about women’s health, mental health, and PCOS!

How did you discover that you had PCOS? What symptoms, situations & resources led you to this diagnosis? 

My very first period was brutal, and then I started to experience a TON of acne. After a few years my cycles never became regular, my skin never cleared up, and I began to experience symptoms of high cortisol like moon face and anxiety. After a lot of my own research I went in to the doctor for an ultrasound on my ovaries and some bloodwork where they confirmed my diagnosis.

What are 3 things you want other people with PCOS or similar symptoms to know?

1. PCOS & blood sugar are extremely intertwined! Balancing my blood sugar has done wonders for my symptoms.

2. PCOS symptoms can be triggered by stress! Mental and physical. It’s so important to prioritize our health and mental health.

3. You don’t HAVE to go on birth control to manage your PCOS symptoms! There are other options if you prefer.

At Aavia, we know that lifestyle modifications can help manage and reduce symptoms. What has been the most effective for you in managing PCOS?

Several! Prioritizing a consistent, quality sleep schedule has been immensely helpful. Lowering the intensity of my exercise has reduced my inflammation and high cortisol significantly. Overall, I notice the biggest difference when I reduce the amount of stress in my life.

What are your luteal phase must-haves/do’s to feel better?

My bones and muscles tend to ache in my luteal phase so I treat myself to a massage almost every month! I also allow myself to slow down a ton with exercise and sleep in later than usual.

Where can our members find you?

IG: @erikahoang

TikTok: @erikahoang_