How Your Hormone Cycle Impacts Your Sleep
Having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling well-rested? Your hormones could be the culprit.
Just like our hormone cycle, sleep impacts everything from mood, energy, physical symptoms, and more. In fact, our sleep quality actually changes throughout our hormone cycle, impacting our ability to remember things. It's all connected!
Here’s the TLDR on sleep throughout your cycle, as told by an emoji-fied graph:

Let’s dive into the science of how the different phases of your hormone cycle impact your sleep.
How Does My Period & Follicular Phase Impact My Sleep?
Your follicular phase is the first half of your cycle. It starts on the first day of your period and goes up to ovulation. Due to the decrease in estrogen during your period, your body responds better to the hormone that makes you feel tired, melatonin. This allows you to get better sleep during your period, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep! However, some people may have trouble sleeping during their period due to physical symptoms like cramps, headaches, or bloating.
Tip: massage your lower back muscles and stomach a few minutes before bed with your thumbs to relax muscles and reduce cramps throughout the night.
After your period, estrogen rises again, increasing your energy levels and making you feel great throughout the day but causing more difficulty falling asleep at night. In this part of your cycle, REM sleep (deep sleep that causes dreams) increases toward the end of the night, making it harder to wake up in the morning as well.
PM Tip: create a wind down routine before bed: no electronics for an hour before bed, warm tea, and listening to 528 Hz frequency or ASMR to make it easier to fall asleep.
AM Tip: go outside and look at the sun right when you wake up to boost your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle) and feel refreshed.
How Does My Luteal Phase Impact My Sleep?
Your luteal phase is the second half of your cycle, beginning the day after ovulation and ending the day before your next period. Progesterone rises in the first part of your luteal phase, causing you to feel sleepier and less energetic. Your body is primed for good sleep during this phase, so don’t resist the naps!!
Tip: take advantage of getting good rest during this part of your cycle by honoring the need to go to bed earlier.
In the second part of your luteal phase, sleep quality worsens. Progesterone levels decrease, causing you to wake up more throughout the night with less deep sleep. This is the phase of your cycle where you’ll crave more rest and sleep.
Tip: plan ahead for needing extra hours in bed during this phase, and block time in your schedule for at least 8 hours/night!
Sleep quality changes throughout your hormone cycle, and logging your sleep each day will help you learn about your cyclical trends and how they change throughout the month. Learn more about your cycle & log your sleep in the Aavia app.
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